DHS Girl’s Soccer

Booster Club Meeting



I.                   INTRODUCTION- Jim Kishbaugh, President

II.                BUSINESS

a.      Announcers for Games- Mark Moser and Dave?

b.      Volunteer Needed for Candid and game pictures for this year.

                                                              i.      Pictures displayed at the Soccer bangqut at the end of the year.

c.       Soccer bags for team players

                                                              i.      Volunteer needed to research purchasing soccer bags and coordinating orders for incoming freshmen.

                                                            ii.      Booster club will purchase soccer bags for incoming freshman and new players.  If anyone needs a replacement bag, order will be taken but will be at the player’s expense.

                                                          iii.      Soccer bags can be taken to Simply Stitches on Mill Street for embroidered name/number at player’s own expense.

d.      Warm Up T-Shirts

                                                              i.      Volunteer needed to coordinate.

                                                            ii.      T-Shirt usually designed by players.

                                                          iii.      Booster Club purchases warm-up T-shirts for the team.

                                                          iv.      Orders to be taken.

e.       Away Games

                                                              i.      Always looking for people to provide food for girls to eat on the bus on the way to the game.  Example: Mrs. Brouse made the girls buttered noodles for the bus last year and placed them in a small bucket with lots of forks.

                                                            ii.      Booster Club will provide hoagies for team to one away game.  Volunteer needed for coordination and pick-up.

f.       Senior Night CoordinatorsShannon Hackenberg and Amy Moser

g.      Team Treasurer- Jim Kishbaugh working on finding a treasurer for the booster club.  He will report back to the club with update.

h.      New Equipment- Judy Shipe (coach representative)

                                                              i.      Team needs new socks and soccer balls

                                                            ii.      Team needs new uniform supplements.

1.      Need more medium sized shorts.

                             iii.   Light warm-ups- Discussion about purchasing light 

      weight warm-up jackets only. Player option of purchasing their own in addition to the team supply of a light weight warm up suggested for discussion.


i.        Fund Raisers

                                                              i.      Raffle- Last year tickets were sold in August/September for Raffle in October.  More information to come.

                                                            ii.      Judy Shipe suggested the possibility of soccer scarves similar to Pro Soccer Team Scarves to sell.  Idea well received and Judy will look into possible vendor options.

j.        Pasta Dinner Nights- Parent Class Representatives Needed to Organize- (One evening per class the night before a game)

1.      Freshmen Class- ?

2.      Sophomore Class- Carl and Heather Albertson

3.      Junior Class-?

4.      Senior Class-Linda Paugh

k.      Concession Stand

                                                              i.      Requesting each parent to donate $10 or equal amount of water or Gatorade.

                                                            ii.      Volunteer Needed to Coordinate Concession Stand

1.      Assign parents for home game nights.

2.      Help with opening stand and closing stand.


III.             Next Meeting to be held in August

IV.             VOLUNTEERS LIST   Please see the list of areas that still need volunteers.

a.       Pictures -(Someone to take candid pictures taken through the season)-?

b.      Team Soccer Bags (coordinate order for team soccer bags purchased by the booster club)-?

c.        Warm-up T-shirts- (coordinate order and purchase, paid by the booster club)- ?

d.      AWAY Game Hoagie orders- ?

e.       Senior Night Coordinator/s- Shannon Hackenberg and Amy Moser

f.       Team Treasurer- ?

g.      Pasta Dinner Nights-help organize food to be provided by parents on that class for the team the night before a game.

                                                              i.      Freshmen Class- ?

                                                            ii.      Sophomore Class- Carl and Heather Albertson

                                                          iii.      Junior Class- ?

                                                          iv.      Senior Class- Linda Paugh

h.      Concession Stand

                                                              i.      Person to handle parent donations and assigning parents to home game nights to cover the stand.

                                                            ii.      Person/s to help open and/or close the concession stand.