Minutes from Lady Ironmen booster meeting held March 18, 2008, 7PM at DHS

The meeting was opened with a treasurer’s report, presented by Michael Carr. Current balances are checking:  1238.64 and savings 2681.55


Committee updates:

            Concession Committee:  The concession chairperson, Cindy Grubb was not present, nothing to report.

            Banquet Committee:  Members of the banquet committee were not present but Theresa Cook had called with an update.  She notes that one of the choices for the banquet venue-First Baptist Church will not be available on any Sunday night due to church services, but likely would be available on a Saturday.  The members present did not feel that there would be a problem with holding the banquet on a Saturday night if need be, it was preferred to try to keep it on the same weekend however.  Another possibility is Trinity UMC on Lombard Street .  The committee will continue to work on this.

            Athletic Director Liaison Committee:  Michael Carr and myself will meet with Mr. Kanaskie on Thursday March 20 at 1pm to discuss the following issues:  Scheduling of stadium games, dates for special events like Senior night and youth night, uniform issues, the possibility of using the High school cafeteria to host a basket bingo and whether the boosters or the team receives any revenue for ticket sales of games.

Per the Shipes we have 34 useable away uniforms (these are the new ones) and 39 girls on the roster, the numbers are 1-35---not sure about the home uniforms. Some girls (and parents) have expressed concern about the white shorts that are too sheer and difficult to keep clean, and whether we can get a different color.

Fund raising:  It was decided that the club will purchase 20 cases (with 48 bars per case) of Gertrude Hawk chocolate bars for the girls to sell as a way to earn funds for camp.  This will be optional and individualized.  All girls desiring to help fund their camp experience can e-mail me and we will make sure that you get candy bars to sell.  It was decided for each box you sell, $12.00 will be designated towards that individual’s camp fee.  This is one half of the net profit per box.  The other half goes to the boosters.  We will start low and go slow, and, if they sell well, we will certainly be willing to purchase additional boxes for the girls to sell.

            We have also decided to hold a raffle for cash.  Jeff Kay will provide tickets at no cost to the club.  These tickets will be sold for $5.00 per ticket and will have about 6 cash prizes attached, with the plan to have the drawing during the first home stadium game. We will begin to sell the tickets as soon as they are ready, and initially the tickets will only be given to the girls currently in 9th grade and up because the future freshmen (currently 8th graders) are now doing the same fundraiser for the middle school team.

             The other fund raiser that we have planned is a Longaberger basket/Vera Bradley Bingo.  Jennifer Jones is organizing this and will select a site and a date.  At that point we will be looking for donations or sponsorship of certain prizes from families or local businesses.  If you want to donate or are affiliated with a local business that might be willing to donate or sponsor a prize please email this information to the Jones family at Irishfanatics@verizon.net  we can start collecting immediately. This event will require a lot of start up money so we hope to get as many donations as possible to get the ball rolling, but we do stand to earn a good deal of money from this event if it is successful!

We also plan to send out form letters to local businesses asking for donations for this event—but if you have a personal touch with any of them; we need to have checks made out to Danville Girls soccer boosters.

Our goal with fund-raising this year is to help with the extra expenses of having a much larger team this year, and to be able to purchase some additional items for the girls that we have not been able to afford in the past. We do however have the pressing need for a volunteer to be the chairperson for the fundraising, to serve as a central point of distribution, organization and collection of monies (you can then draft assistants as necessary) .  This would be for the two smaller fund raisers, the raffle tickets and the chocolate bars. We have a large group this year and a very small number of parents who have offered to take volunteer positions.  In order not to further take advantage of the generosity already extended by those already actively involved, we make a humble appeal to everyone else out there who might have a little extra time and is willing to do this for the girls.  Please let us know ASAP if this person might be you!  This is a volunteer organization that doesn’t work without volunteers.  We are nice (at least I am pretty sure we are), and we don’t bite!

We have not done a lot of fundraising in the past, and have coasted along with what we have made in the concession stands, but we have loftier goals in providing some extra things to the girls this year, we are looking into personalized warm ups and/or sweatshirts.  The more money we make, the more we can provide! 

We also welcome other ideas for raising money, and hope that the chairperson of the fundraising could spearhead other projects if he or she is so inclined.  If you are considering this position THANK YOU!!!

Thanks to all in advance for helping to make the upcoming season a success!!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm

The next meeting will be held Tuesday April 15 at 7 pm at the high school (as always the third Tuesday of each month)

Respectfully submitted, 

Kim Beyer