
1.       Account Balance-

a.      Savings Account- $2,700

b.      Checking Account- $1,700

c.       Items to be paid

                                                              i.      Summer League fee

                                                            ii.      Tournament fee

                                                          iii.      Freshman soccer bags

                                                          iv.      Warm up t-shirts

                                                            v.      New player warm up sweat suit

2.      Updates from last year- Boosters have purchased jackets for all the girls for making it to the quarter finals in states last year.  Jackets coming soon.

3.      Each family is asked to contribute $10 to get the starting supply for the Concession Stand.

a.      $10- paid to Cynthia Ryan -at the booster meeting on August 14th or you can mail to; Cynthia Ryan- PO box 87 Riverside, PA 17868

4.      Fundraising

a.      Lottery ticket fundraiser for the month of September

                                                              i.      Small game license

                                                            ii.      Potential to make $1500 to $2000

                                                          iii.      Pass out on August 14th and collect after two weeks for September numbers.

b.      50/50- one person from the concession stand will volunteer to do the 50/50 during the first game of each evening on game days. 

c.       Possible future fundraisers:

                                                              i.      Stadium seating

                                                            ii.      Pro soccer scarves with Danville Ironmen/striped?

                                                          iii.      Danville Ironmen Pajama Pants or sweatpants?

                                                          iv.      Danville Ironmen Double sided blankets

                                                            v.      Danville Ironmen Umbrellas

                                                          vi.      Gas card raffle??? (to be done later in season-October?)

5.      Athletic Director/Kanaski Requests to be made

a.      Request for home game or two later in the season for senior night.

b.      Coach buses for possible playoffs.  Inquire about the coach buses that are used for ski trips???





6.      Concession Stand:

a.      Discussion of building a new concession stand- boys team has volunteers to build a new concession stand.

                                                              i.      $3200 – half the expense to girls team ($1,600) – ($800 upfront)

                                                            ii.      Approved by booster club.

b.      Old concession stand will be kept for team supplies.

c.       Inquired if parents would like phone reminder for concession stand? Everyone agreed this would be a good idea.

d.      Eight home games on the schedule.

e.      All parents will be assigned to a game or two in the concession stand.  If it is your turn to man the concession stand, please bring something to sell; pierogies, soup, chili, brownies, etc. If you want to donate food on days you are not assigned, we certainly welcome contributions.  Hot dogs and pizza are usually provided by the boosters. If you are unable to man the concession stand on the day you are assigned, you are responsible to switch with someone.

f.        Judy Yumen was an irreplaceable asset last year with the concession stand.  Due to the size of the concession stand, Judy moved most of the food in and out of her van last year for every game.  With the new concession stand, this should not be an issue.  Although, we need volunteers to help with maintaining the supplies needed in the concession stand.  Thank you Judy for all you did last year!!!!

g.      Pre-season

                                                              i.      Brenda Reber has volunteered to arrange to have fruit provided for the girls during the afternoon practice session.  Thank you Brenda!

                                                            ii.      Suggested that we ask Weis markets and Whiteknights for donations.

                                                          iii.      Donation jar on the August 14th for $ for the fruit.


a.      Food on the bus- FOR A GAME THAT IS FAR AWAY- booster have provided food for the girls to eat on the bus. We need a volunteer to place the order for the food, pick it up, and get it to the bus.  It appears we only have one game that would apply, the Midd-West game.

b.      Volunteer needed for warm up T-shirts provided by boosters-

                                                              i.      Collect orders from players, place the order, and disperse.

c.       Volunteer needed for Sweatshirt orders- for players and families

                                                              i.      Collect orders from families, place the order and disperse.

d.      Warm up uniforms for incoming Freshman-

                                                              i.       Spring Taylor has volunteered.  Thank you Spring!

                                                            ii.      Each freshman player/new player is asked to contribute $25 toward their warm ups.  They are black adidas soccer pants and jackets.  The booster pay for the rest of the warm up

                                                          iii.      Player is responsible for keeping their warm ups in good shape for the high school soccer career or purchase replacements.

1.        Players may have their name embroidered on the left breast side of the jacket. Otherwise, Coach Craig asks that you not alter the warm up.

                                                          iv.      Volunteer need to order Soccer bags for incoming freshman paid by boosters.

1.      Players permitted to have their bags embroidered with their name and number, if they wish, at their own expense.

2.      If you need a replacement, please let us know.

                                                            v.      Volunteer need to help organize the Soccer Banquet-12/4/11 Trinity Church

                                                          vi.      Pictures needed throughout the season for the slide show.

1.      Elaine Craig has volunteered- Thank you Elaine!

2.      Any pictures are welcomed.

3.      Please send pictures to Spring Taylor during the season.

                                                        vii.      Spring Taylor has volunteered to make the slide show for the soccer banquet. Thank you Spring!

                                                      viii.      Volunteer need to purchase the Senior Gifts to be given at the soccer banquet

e.      Pasta Dinner Nights- the evening before a home game, we provide a pasta dinner for the team sponsored by each of the classes.  This is normally held in the school cafeteria.  Dates to be determined. Parents asked to organize their class pasta dinner.

                                                              i.      Junior- Albertson

                                                            ii.      Sophomore-Alberti and Sidler

                                                          iii.      Freshman- Knight

                                                          iv.      Senior-Craig and Haney

8.      Discussion about the Girls soccer scholarship given to a senior each year.

a.      Madagen award (?sp)  -$250 ($281 in the account)- do we want to continue? Discussed using the 50/50 earnings to continue the award.  Will be discussed again at a future meeting.


****Please note:  Any payments given to Cynthia Ryan need to be either cash in an envelope with the purpose of the payment or a check with the purpose indicated on the bottom.  We thank you for your cooperation as Cynthia receives many payments at different times and this is a big help for her keep track of the accounting.  Thank you