Danville High School Girls’ Soccer Boosters
Meeting Minutes – February 10, 2013

• Call to Order: Gary Ernest called the meeting to order at 7:00PM

• Attending: Gary Ernest, Mike Heimbach, Carla Raup, Kathy Sidler, Tony Knight, Sue Alberti, Terry Jones, Mr. Chillis, Greg Shultz, Coach Craig, Coach Shipe; Absent: Cynthia Ryan, Yvonne Knight

• Coaches’ Report:
o 30 kids signed up for middle school program
o New away uniforms are being ordered by the school: orange with white flaps
o Coaches want warm-ups and bags available no later than the 2nd week of August
o East Juniata is missing from the middle school schedule
o Middle School games start Tuesdays and Thursdays in April
o Team calendar and information can be found on the team website:

• Old Business:
o Revisions on the By-Laws were completed. Added the following positions to the Board:
 Vice President, duties to back up the President
 Assistant Treasurer, duties and responsibilities to balance cash box at end of each home game
 Concession chair, duties and responsibilities to schedule parents to cover concessions, budget for concession purchases, and transport concession equipment.
 Equipment chair, duties and responsibilities to work with coaches and team for equipment needs

• Treasurer’s Report:
o Account Balances (per Cynthia Ryan, reported by Gary Ernest)
 Checking balance – approximately $1,500
 Savings balance – approximately $2,500

• New Business:
o Board Member Nominations
 President
• Gary Ernest nominated by Tony Knight, seconded by Kathy Sidler
• Nomination accepted, no other nominees
• Passed unanimously

 Vice President
• Mike Heimbach nominated by Tony Knight, seconded by Terry Jones
• Nomination accepted, no other nominees
• Passed unanimously

 Secretary
• Motion made by Tony Knight to hold until next meeting, seconded by Mike Heimbach
• Passed unanimously

 Treasurer
• Motion made by Gary Ernest to hold until next meeting, seconded by Mike Heimbach
• Passed unanimously

 Fundraising Chair
• Terry Jones, nominated by Mike Heimbach, seconded by Tony Knight
• Nomination accepted, no other nominees
• Passed unanimously

 Banquet Chair
• Motion made by Gary Ernest to hold until next meeting, seconded by Tony Knight
• Passed unanimously

 Concession Chair
• Kathy Sidler nominated by Mike Heimbach, seconded by Sue Alberti
• Nomination accepted, no other nominees
• Passed 8-1

 Equipment Chair
• Greg Shultz nominated by Terry Jones, seconded by Mike Heimbach
• Nomination accepted
• Passed unanimously

o Opened Floor for Other New Business:
 Question arised regarding account balances and why there are two accounts, checking and savings. This was due to prior Board decision, due to requirements for dollar amounts allowed in each account.

 T-shirt design needs to be modified because the design can’t be enlarged without distorting it. Next meeting will review new designs and vote.

 Attendance has been low at Booster meetings, discussed ways to increase participation:
• Phone chain for reminder of upcoming meeting dates
• Sue Alberti suggested using Facebook. Soccer team has a Facebook page. She will contact Jeff Kay who intiated the Facebook page.

 Discussion of reinstating the Madigan Scholarship Fund, which awarded an annual $150 scholarship to a senior player. Teachers at the high school were asked to pick a senior to receive the scholarship. Terry Jones nominated that the scholarship fund is reinstated, seconded by Sue Alberti, passed unanimously. Discussion on maintaining the dollar amount of this year’s award will be addressed at a future Booster meeting, prior to May.

 Gary Ernest announced there would be monthly general Booster meetings to discuss ongoing business. By-laws require at least 2 meetings per year, however in order accomplish Booster goals, more meetings are needed.

 Coach Craig has been doing the fundraising for the Middle School program on his own in prior years, and wanted to know if this should now fall under the Booster Fundraising Committee. Mike Heimbach made a motion that it should fall under the committee, seconded by Sue Alberti, and unanimously approved.

• Upcoming meetings:
o Next Booster general meeting Sunday 3/17/13 @ 7:00PM, DHS cafeteria

• Meeting adjourned 8:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Knight