Minutes from DHS Girls Soccer Boosters

Tuesday August 19, 2008

7 PM

Danville High School



Treasurers Report:

Total Balance combined checking and savings:  4573.30


Approved upcoming expenses:

Goalie Equipment—jerseys, pants???—budgeted  $150.00-(Jeff Kay to purchase)

Sport Bags for new players:  budgeted  $350.00 (Mike Jones to Purchase)

Practice Bibs (pinnies)—budgeted  $125.00 (Mike Jones)

Concession stand start up:  $600.00 (Ronda Brouse)

Water bottles with carriers:  ??? (Jeff Kay to check)

Tee shirts:   28 for present players (to be reimbursed by individuals) and additional amount about 50-60 to sell.  Amount not budgeted (price to be checked by Mike Jones)

Games of small chance license: Budgeted amount $40.00 (Mike Carr to purchase)

Payment of referees for upcoming home scrimmages  $120 ($60 per referee) for Tuesday 8/26 and $60 ($30 per referee) for Thursday 8/28.


Concession stand issues:


-George Santos will make up work schedule and distribute to parents and will otherwise assist in coordinating stand (he is unavailable for early games)


-Ronda Brouse will do shopping for stock and will order pizzas and open.

Ronda will also inventory the stand this weekend. She also wrote up a to-do list for opening and closing of the stand.


-There will be a sign up sheet in the stand during the Scrimmage on 8/26 for parents to sign up to bring in food for sale at various games.


Linda  Paugh will check on pizza prices for this year and will coordinate Senior pasta dinner to be held at Unida.


Parents as in the past will be asked to take turns working in the concession stands during home games.  Attempts will  be made to schedule varsity parents to work JV games and vice versa—and will also be asked to donate either $5.00 cash or a case of beverages such as cans of brand name sodas, bottled water or Gatorade for stand start up, and will be asked to bring them to the concession stand the night of the first scrimmage.  If you are not able to do this, please be in touch with the parent rep for your daughter’s grade (Linda Unger, freshman;  Stacy Shepperson, sophomore; Dan Oberdorf, Junior; Theresa Cook, Senior) to make other arrangements. 




Other Issues:

We historically have purchased lunches for the girls to take on the bus for the distant away games—Subway subs and drinks.  Ronda will coordinate this—the chosen games are:

9/3 at Midd West, 9/15 at Williamsport , and 10/9 at Montoursville


Pasta Dinners:

Denise Brown will be coordinating—parents of a certain class are asked to provide food for pasta dinners throughout the season.  Parent reps will be helping to sign people up.

The dates chosen are Thursday 9/11 freshman will provide, 9/29 Sophomores and Juniors will provide, and Wednesday 10/15 will be the senior dinner provided by Unida at Unida.



We have chosen Senior night to be 10/7 at the stadium during the Williamsport game—Linda Paugh is coordinator


We were to have had the game of 9/27 moved from  11 AM to 7 Pm stadium and hold youth night, however, according to the schedule, it is still at 11 AM which conflicts with AYSO games, so if we cannot get this game changed to evenings, we will attempt to move it to the afternoon so that youth can attend. Eric Brouse will check with Mr Kanaskie on this.


Fund Raisers:

Candy sales have concluded, please turn in any money still outstanding, and let Mike Carr know if you have not received your reimbursement check.


Raffle ticket sales:

 Raffle tickets can be turned in to Jeff Kay or Mike Carr, along with $--the drawing has actually been postponed until 9/23 due to some changes in the schedule, if you still have tickets please amend the date on them, and if you need more to sell, please see Coach Kay .


Basket Bingo:  Did not get off the ground as expected—will re-evaluate.


Tee Shirts:  We will be getting team warm up shirts, that the girls will be expected to purchase—but to expedite things, the boosters will order and pay for then have the girls pay for them as they take them.  It is a gray shirt with Ironmensoccer across the chest and name and number on the back.  We will order one per girl initially to distribute in time for the start of the season.  The girls then have the option to order additional personalized or plain shirts for themselves or others.  Additionally, we will order extra to sell for a profit.  Parent reps can help coordinate the distribution of shirts and collection of money. 


As  a reminder to senior parents, please submit photographs of your daughter throughoutt the ages for use at the senior banquet festivities—get these to Jeff Kay as soon as you can, and please (any parent) submit game and player pictures from this season as well—

The Banquet will be held Sunday November 16 in the evening at Trinity UMC on Lombard street .



The coaching staff would like to offer everyone an opportunity to attend an informational session regarding the upcoming season.  This would include, but is not limited to--basic soccer rules and information regarding the different way that things will be done this season, new formations etc.  All interested parents should plan to show up Monday evening August 25 as practice is concluding about (5:30-6 pm range) we will verify the time more specifically when we find out how many are interested.  It is a good time to get any questions answered and hear what the coaches have to say about the season.  Please return an e mail to me if you are interested so that I can give the coaches a "heads-up" about how many folks might be there.




The next meeting will be held September 16 at 7 pm at the high school


Thanks to those in attendance and all who offered to help to make this season a success!